Sunday, June 29, 2008

Angela McInroe's Goals


for therapy:

1. complete training
2. get a raise

for photography:

1. type out and print contracts
2. master shutter speed
-low lighting
-water fountain (blur/crisp)
-use camera manual
3. make business cards with my logo on them
4. take the entire photography training on with Derek Story
5. create an official website with my logo and copyright on photos
-use Thanks Bevin!!!!!
6. create my own email service
7. sell one photo on istock (or some other site)
8. sign up for a photo community and go to at least one meeting
9. enter a photography contest
10. print and compare picture quality at many locations/ find a permanent printer Thanks Ashley!!!!!
11. get more equipment
-external flash
-large memory card
-wide angle lens
-low f-stop lens
-battery pack
12. take some rad pictures!!!!


1. read my scriptures every morning before leaving
2. go to the temple once a month
3. do my visiting teaching every month
4. have family home evening every Monday or once a week


1. lose 23 pounds!!!
2. be active: skate, jog, tennis, bike, walk, etc...
3. get health insurance


1. read "The Magic of Thinking Big"


1. contact Sue and be familiar with how much we need to buy a house
2. get to know the first time buyers program
3. compare eligible homes in our price range


1. make a photo journal with 5 entries (digital/blog doesn't count)
2. be more aware of birth dates
3. make people feel special on their birthday
4. put together my wedding album
done 5. mail Allison a photo CD
6. keep in close contact with family
-mail things like postcards
-call 1x/month
7. Be a better communicator
-no more studdering
8. get rid of nervous habits

I will accomplish all of the above in the 90 days between July 7 and October 4. Peace!

1 comment:

The Perkins Family said...

AWESOME!! You are amazing! Hey--I want to put my wedding pictures in a real scrapbook-y album too. You wanna have a scrapping party and work on it together? The boys could talk band. Great job on your goals! You're going to do great.