Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jamie's Goals

Physical: After doing the math I realized that if I made the goal of actually having the baby during the 90 days that I would have to go into labor 3-4 weeks early. So instead of making a goal of premature labor I came up with a couple others instead.
- Take my prenatals every day (this is a HUGE one for me)
- Maximum of one caffeinated beverage daily, tapering to one weekly by the end of the 90 days.

- Complete current semester of school, and begin second semester (though this will have to wait until tax return time)

- Date night twice monthly (due to financial goals, one of these can be a date night in, but it MUST be structured and PLANNED).
- Get family picture taken and plan for a second picture after the baby.
- Stick to cleaning schedule

- Read entire Doctrine & Covenants along with the institute manual. (including prayer beforehand)
- Read Teaching: No Greater Call and focus on my lesson at least three times a week.

- Eat out maximum of four times a month.

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