I am finally getting around to reporting my progress. This has been a great experience so far. I have never been very good with time management, and this is main area the goals group has helped me improve in. Balance is the word I'm focusing on for 2008 and these goals are helping me do that. I am a visual person, so it helps me to write out my goals for the day (by emaling my partner) and check them off as a I complete them. I have also found it helpful to record my progress in the little book I made.
Personal [1. Take a self-portrait for 365 days 2. Sing a duet in public]
It's pretty tough to take a self-portrait every day. You wouldn't think it would be that hard, but it is easy to forget or to get creative shots all the time. I have been pretty consistent, with the exception of missing a couple of days due to illness.
I did sing a duet in public, and it was one of the scariest things I've ever done. I felt like I was going to pass out, but I did it, and I'm glad that I did.
Physical [1. Work out 3x/week 2. Go to bed by 11:30 on week nights]
This sounds simple, I know, but Fall quarter I was so consumed with school that I didn't work out at all. My goals helped motivate me to make it a priority. I now go to aerobics at the church Monday and Wednesday mornings (I have class Friday mornings so I can't go then), and I try to add exercise on another day of the week in some other form. Sometimes it is DDR with Wendel and others it is just walking around the neighborhood. Near the end of Spring quarter (which I just finished a week ago) and into my two-week break, I haven't been so great about that third day. I went to Utah for my sister's wedding and then have been sick for my break thus far, so my exercising hasn't been the best, but it's so much better than it would have been without these goals. I really feel better and enjoy the aerobics classes.
We have done pretty good about being in bed by 11:30 (not always asleep right away, but at least in bed by then). The exception is when I have a paper due (Wendel edits it for me and together we work on it, which usually takes hours, so we're up late.) This is pretty big for us, since we're used to staying up until 1 or later. We're trying to get it down to being in bed by 11 so we can be asleep by 11:30, but at least we've made some progress.
Spiritual [1. Read/listen to the Book of Mormon in 90 days 2. Read To Draw Closer to God by Henry B. Eyring]
I have been pretty consistent about listening to or reading from the Book of Mormon daily. I usually read three chapters a day, but sometimes only one or two. I am in Alma 48, and right on track for finishing it in time. I have enjoyed listening as I drive to and from school, and although I don't get quite as much out of it as when I read, it is good to have a refresher on the overview of the book, and it is uplifting to listen to scriptures rather than the radio on the way to class. On the times when I do read rather than listen, I have gained personal insight and increased my understanding. Having a little of both (listening and reading) has been good.
Reading To Draw Closer to God has been insightful. It is a compilation of talks and articles by President Eyring, all focused on how we can bring ourselves closer to God. I really love this book, and I feel uplifted as I read from it. I haven't read from it every day, but I do read from it often. I have always wanted to make reading books by General Authorities a regular part of my life but never did until these goals. When I finish this one, I want to read another, and continue to do so throughout my life.
Financial [Set aside money to build our food storage]
I placed an order with Sharon Knowlton and have a date set at the cannery to can some food. We also purchased water for our food storage. It feels good to make progress in this area because it's something we know is important but we needed the extra motivation to do it.
Mental [Get As in all classes]
I just received my grades from Spring Quarter yesterday. I got a 3.8, 3.9, and 4.0 in my classes. A lot of my time and energy goes into school. The goal group helped me prioritize, which helped me achieve these grades.
Overall, I love this goal group. As I said above, it has really helped me with time management, not just with the goals I have been working on, but with everything in my life. It has helped to have someone to report my day to. I have really enjoyed working with Laurel. It is also helpful to know that everyone in the group is working toward their individual goals, and that I'm not doing this alone. Thanks guys!