Personal: 1. Sing a duet in public. I have never done this and the thought of it scares me. But I have committed to doing it in a little over a week! 2. Take a self-portrait every day for a year. Crazy, but I'm excited about it. It will be good for improving my photography skills and allowing me a little time each day to be creative.
Physical: Work out 3x a week. Not a big deal to most people, but school seriously takes over my life and it's difficult to find time to do much else. ETA: Go to bed between 11 and 11:30 every week night (unless I have a huge paper pending...I have to give myself a little room here).
Financial: As a couple Wendel and I are going to set aside money each month to build up our food storage.
Spiritual: 1. Read the Book of Mormon in the 90 days. 2. Read another uplifting book by a General Authority.
Intellectual: Get A+s or A-s this quarter again.
They are pretty simple, but with school I don't want to go too crazy.
Also, I made this little book to keep track of my progress. I thought it would be fun to write about the steps I'm taking to complete my goals and have a little record of it when I'm finished.

I am focusing on the word balance this year as you can see from my title page. I didn't do such a great job of it last quarter so I'm trying again.
I'm excited to see everyone's goals.
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