Friday, January 18, 2008

Chad's Goals!! Woot!

Okay, everyone. Chad here. Here's my goals. Is it weird to say that I missed hanging out with all of you this week? Probably. Can't wait to see you all again on the 26th.

~Physical: BIG GOAL - lose 15 pounds
OTHER GOALS - detox for 10 days, gym/exercise at least 5 days a week, for last 30 of the 90 days exercise AM & PM, take better care of myself (with sleep, floss more often [you guys inspired me], my general appearance, clothes, etc.). I've also decided that when I lose my 15 pounds, I'm going to reward myself by taking Heather out to get his/her iPhones. If you see me with an iPhone, and I'm still this fat, I give all of you permission to punch me in the face for wussing out.

~Mental: BIG GOAL - learn 500 new things, and track them daily in my knowledge journal
OTHER GOALS - schedule my days better so that I can spend more time learning stuff

~Business/Financial: BIG GOAL - Pay off all debt (except for our house).
OTHER GOALS - get massive raises (at least 50% more) from all clients, become proficient at three new major software packages (Logic Pro [a digital audio recording studio], Painter [the most sophisticated digital painting program in the world], and Maya [the most high end 3D software program out there - it's what they used to make Gollum and Spiderman]), make plans to get certified in Logic Pro, work with Heather to regulate and minimize expenses, record and release two of my own training DVDs, record three new video training DVDs for other companies, get two new book contracts, and write one of the books.

~Spiritual: BIG GOAL - Memorize First Nephi
OTHER GOALS - Seek greater revelations through more intense daily personal study and more focused prayer, write a new entry in my Book of Mormon journal at least once a week, spend more time meditating about how to help youth.

~Personal: BIG GOAL - Create my first animated short film!
OTHER GOALS - Meditate 15 minutes daily, attend a RCRG rollerderby bout with Heather, finish recording my President Hinckley song, write another new song, no more houseguests! (during the 90 days), on Guitar Hero III beat "Through the Fire and Flames" on Hard.

Status: So far, in just preparing for goals, I've had much success. I've finished memorizing the first chapter of 1 Nephi, and I'm almost half way through chapter 2. That's ahead of schedule, and it's starting to get easier. I've also started charging more for my work, and it's going really well. I also got my first professional award for my training. I'm so excited to get started on the 90 day goals! February 4th- HUZZAH! Take care everybody. Can't wait to get motivated by reading your goals. -Chad

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