Monday, July 7, 2008
Last..But Not Least :) Jocelyn's Goals
Read books on/by Goethe and Schiller
“Dutch Revolution”
Read the required reading for German History by Dr. Kerry
Read required reading for History of the Jews
Read “Dead Certainties” by Simon Schama with Hilton
Drink 8 cups of water every day
Exercise with Hilton 3x a week
Do Pilates 3x a week
Cut sugar intake to one sugar treat a day
Go to the temple 2 times in a 3 week period
Have personal scripture study daily
FHE every Monday
Scripture study with Hilton every night
Keep account of Grocery Bills—
From that make a Grocery Budget
Prepare a Will
House Projects
Organize Craft Room
Finish hanging pictures
Find deals for the Household
New drapes
Objects of art
Make and follow Daily Cleaning Charts
Learn more about Photography
Build a retaining wall with Hilton
Learn about baby sign language
Continue documentation with my blog
Hilton's Goals
- Take the stairs on the way up at work.
- Walk or jog three nights a week with Jocelyn and the little one.
- Sign up our first beta user at website by day 45.
- Sign up our first paying user at website by day 90.
- Read one technical or improvement book every two weeks.
- Read Dead Certainties with Jocelyn.
- Perfect home teaching.
- Attend the temple twice every three weeks.
- Landscape the back and side yards.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
It's about time, Broadbent.
I aim to return to my end-of-mission fighting physique, with a few improvements.
1. 1800 calories/day, unlimited fruits, veggies, and WW no-points foods.
2. stick to work-out routine:
a. M, Th plyo
b. T, F weights (weight-free alternative workout on 9-80 days)
c. Stretch, stretch, stretch.
3. >= 6 nights a week in bed by 10:30, 10:00 >= 4 nights/week.
I am to not sink Mel's ship, and maybe even help paddle.
1. monthly assessment of expenditures, categorizing costs and determining which are under/over running.
2. institute remediation plan based on (1).
I am a dork, I have a matrix operation for a goal.
The syntax is probably wrong, but I know what I mean.

The personal scripture study is not to be done in bed. It is also to be done with a journal handy. Preferably, it will be at least started in the morning.
Personal prayers will be earnest and intentional. And not in bed.
I will be a good hometeacher, whatever that may require, short of becoming Dub's indentured servant.
Lessons for SS will have been read (in manual and scriptures) by the preceeding Sunday.
Define major characters for unnamed work.
general, story-board level outline for entire plot.
From arriving home until the kids go to bed is all about helping Mel and playing with Leah and Anya. Chris can wait. Leah would probably like to take the next step with her alphabet, but that is up to her.
Financial- Prepare a will.
Review my budget/checkbook weekly.
Physical- Prepare a 72 hour kit for each person in our family.
Lose all of my "baby weight" within 5 lbs. by the end of 90 days.
Personal- Strengthen my relationship with my family members by spending 15 minutes of focused time on each member.
Mental- Find a violin teacher. Find a new violin or have my violin fixed. Get the books necessary to begin lessons.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Mel's Goals
Lose 10 pounds.
*Exercise 4 times per week: 2 times walking for 1 hour with stroller, 2 times jogging for 30-45 minutes with a friend
*Eat 1800 calories per day plus unlimited fruits and vegetables
Become more financially secure by having 2 savings accounts, one that is an emergency fund and grows very large, and one that we use for expenses outside the budget.
*Open 2nd savings account.
*Separate saved money into two types. 1) do not touch money; 2) spending savings, like car repairs, plane tickets, clothes, etc.
*Plan out the savings for both accounts for the next year
*Stick to weekly budget!
*Look into CD options for Type 1 savings account
Become more spiritual and have testimony grow and stregthen; feel close to Heavenly Father.
*Have daily Family Prayer and Scripture Study in Leah’s room as part of bedtime routine; goal: read 1 page per night as a family and kneel in prayer.
*Personal scripture study: 20 minutes reading from the Book or Mormon and/or writing in a scripture/blessings/gratitude journal
*Attend temple 4 times- one of which should be an organized girls’ temple night
*Pray to give an act of service daily
Strengthen mind and revitalize talents.
*Write 3 poems
*Outline book series and character development
Become a better mother, wife, and individual; create and maintain space in the home that brings peace and helps the Spirit to reside.
*15 minutes per day (minimum) of quality playtime or craft-time with the girls- uninterrupted and totally focused.
*Follow FHE and Date Schedule: one person plans activity for FHE, and the other person plans lesson for FHE and date night for the week
*Scrapbook the last year, plus this summer (this will make me all caught up again); including tables of contents
*Stop biting nails
*Do one household project or mini-project per week- organizational or creative
*Make 7 day detailed journal of what we do every day that includes pictures and quotes from Leah (I want this to convey what life was like when Leah was almost 3 and Anya was 1)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Bevin Leder (The Goal Conquerer)
Write in my journal every night/day. I will try to do it regularly before I go to bed. It may be a lengthy entry or a short entry...I just want to ensure I am writing things down. With the new baby coming I won't be lacking in things to write about and feeling to express.
Missionary Work. Begin by reading Preach My Gospel every other day in order to become more faithful at missionary and come up with new ideas/ways of sharing the gospel. Have someone for the missionaries to teach by the end of the 90 days.
Prepare & Run a 1/2 Marathon (Leavenworth). I will train over the next 90 days to be prepared to run in a 1/2 marathon that is scheduled for sometime in October. This will include running 5 out of 7 days, eventually reaching a point where I can run at least 8-10 miles every other week.
Get a Will in place for my family. Through the Microsoft Benefits program I can see a lawyer that will assist in preparing a will for the family.
Real Estate. Do what I can to sell the property that we own in Idaho to free up the money being paid towards it.
Woodbadge Ticket. Complete the 5 activities associated to my Woodbadge Ticket. Primarily centered around the YM Duty to God program.
Bathroom Remodel. Tile the floor of the girls bathroom. This will include learning how to do it, gathering the supplies/tools, and doing the tiling.
Bring it on! :-)
Deb's Goals
I am confidently and easily attaining and then maintaining my perfect healthy weight.
1. Eat a variety of fruits and veggies each day
2. Exercise 30 minutes at least 3 times/week
3. Drink 8 glasses water each day
4. Floss daily
I am happily and efficiently bringing more order and beauty to my home.
1. Clear (and keep clear) all horizontal surfaces (up to 3 decorative or useful items can stay, if appropriate)
2. Go through 1 file folder each day (5 days/week), purge outdated, etc.
3. Clean/organize one shelf or drawer each day (5 days/week)
4. Finish inventory of food storage
5. Plan 4 weeks’ worth of meals and have dinner ready by 6 p.m., except Thursdays (after scouts at 7)
6. Add accessories and/or artwork that includes vibrant color.
I am conscientiously seeking to develop gifts of the Spirit.
1. Strive to acknowledge the hand of God in all things. Write of gratitude and/or spiritual insights in journal each evening.
2. Read daily at least one chapter of Book of Mormon.
3. Read/study daily in New Testament and/or Jesus the Christ
4. Attend the temple at least once/month.
5. Read Drawing on the Powers of Heaven
I am joyfully increasing my talents.
1. Play through all Hymns at least once on piano.
2. Play through all Hymns at least once on organ.
3. Memorize all German endings for all cases/situations.
4. Finish German Rosetta Stone.
5. Read Das Geheimnis (The Secret--in German)
6. Listen to a story or article on LingQ at least 3 times a week.
7. Prepare visual aids and outlines for 72 language lessons (1.5-2/week)
8. Organize (#7) in a binder or other container(s). Any ideas, anyone?
I am faithfully and playfully (so it will be fun for him, not so much like work) helping Jacob gain control of his muscles.
1. Daily reflex integration activities (or other “therapy”) for at least 30 minutes.
I am cheerfully increasing love and harmony in our home.
1. Thank or compliment each family member daily.
2. Play (listen to) uplifting music while serving my family
3. Learn how to use iTunes or similar (so I can easily do #2).
I am diligently, thoroughly, and promptly finishing my afghan. (49 more of the 63 different squares)
1. Crochet 5 squares/week
2. Put them all together
3. Celebrate—take photo of completed afghan and send to John, Amelia, Kara, Marianne, Mom, and my siblings.
I am gratefully and attentively being a wise steward.
1. Meet with Lon at least once a week to observe our financial status and share ideas for increased abundance.
2. Daily track spending on chart.
3. Continue to keep all accounts up-to-date and balanced.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Cassanndre's Goals!
Create and stick to an excercise regimen to increase strength and stamina and help manage migraines.
- yoga 20 minutes daily
- cardio 30 minutes 3x a week (gradually increase frequency and intensity)
- do PT exercises
Design and stick to a migraine-friendly diet.
- low chocolate, sweets, and dairy intake
- research and try out different things
Stick to a regular sleep schedule.
- weekdays: go to bed no later than 11
- weekdays: get out of bed no later than 8
- weekends: don't vary from weekday schedule by too much
- reduce need for and frequency of naps
Study for and do well enough on the EMT entrance exam and get into an EMT course. Also- prepare myself to be able to do well in the course
- ARC classes
- (re)develop good study habits
Once in EMT course: develop and stick to an effective study routine
- read ahead in the text and workbooks
- review material
- go over things with Scott
Finish req's needed to graduate from high school before the end of July
- current events final project
- senior portfolio
- chem lessons
- 3 finals
- dr's note for PE
Do something to keep up my ASL
Get a part-time job
- look into the Para-Pro test and getting a job with KSD
- craigslist
Create and stick to a budget
- 10%-tithing
- $5- texting
- $50- parents for gas
- some for spending
- most for savings
Finish Personal Progress
Read through all of and study Isaiah
Be more selective about the music I listen to
- use uplifting music (classical, MOTAB, EFY, etc) to start my day and get me going
Keep up with flute
- take lessons
- give lessons?
- practice 1hr at least 3x/week
- (re)memorize scales
- work on advanced techniques (eg: double and flutter tonguing, multiphonics)
- improve tone quality- especially in the upper register
- have better breath control (for upper register, dynamics, etc)
Be more helpful to my family
Get some names to take to the temple and do baptisms
read at least 3 books of classical-type literature that i haven't read before
- emma and mansfield park don't count
- anyone have any suggestions?
{to follow the trend of most other people posting} I --will-- accomplish all of this in 90 days (by October 5th)
Marianne's Goals
- Get to bed by 11 and get out of bed by 7
- Learn how to play tennis
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Jump rope 200 jumps every weekday
- Create a budget for when I go to college. Use the budget when I get to college.
- Figure out housing and classes
- Finish Personal Progress
- Read scriptures in the morning (at least a full chapter)
- Go to institute on Tuesday nights and actually participate/share thoughts
- Read all those books I've been meaning to finish (Anne of Green Gables, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Sense and Sensibility, The Work and the Glory 2, and I'm sure there's more)
- Read two books a month
- Practice my violin every day (at least 30 minutes) (preferably in the morning)
- Collect a bunch of recipes and learn how to cook/prepare them. At least 90 recipes.
- Finish crocheting the afghan I started a million years ago (63 squares- all different stitches)
- Learn to French braid my own hair
- Write in journal daily
- Finish playing through the hymns with Katie
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Ashley's Goals
[Spiritual] Focus on church history: 1. Read The History of Joseph Smith By His Mother. 2. Read D&C and use D&C Student Manual to help me study. 3. Keep a scripture journal. 4. Read from Book of Mormon and / or Ensign with Wendel daily. 5. Kneel for personal prayers.
[Personal] 1. Type memories of grandparents in preparation for family history book. 2. Make my blog into a book. 3. Put the first half of my mission into an organized format in a photo album with journaling (some of it is currently scrapbooked and some is not. I want it to all be uniform with excerpts from my journal). 4. Scan at least one of my mission journals. 5. Take a self-portrait every day. 6. Write in gratitude journal at least once a week. 7. Complete one project a month in our home (such as decorate the bathroom, put shelves up in the front room, organize a closet, etc.)
[Mental / Educational] 1. Take a photography class. 2. Study photography for 1/2 hour every day and keep notes in a photography journal. 3. Get a website up and running. 4. Re-memorize the Articles of Faith.
[Financial] 1. Stay within our budget. 2. Focus more on my etsy shop. Add new listings.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Heather's Goals
1.Planning our dinners for the at least 5 nights a week out of the 90 days (and then cooking them)
2.Finding healthy alternatives to our favorite foods
3.Compile my healthy recipes in a family cookbook (at least 90 recipes by the end of the 90 days)
4.Exercise at least half hour a day, six days a week (or the equivalent)
Financial: To equip myself with the knowledge and tools to increase our income through investments.
1.Read “Investing for Dummies”
3.Pursue Cecil (an investment gone sour)
Spiritual: To become increase my testimony through study, good works and faith.
1.Finish my personal progress experiences left over from last time
2.Write in my journal weekly
3.Read Book of Mormon daily
4.Give my calling at least 15 minutes of dedicated thought daily (or the equivalent)
5.Have a real missionary experience with our neighbors across the street
6.Perfect Visiting Teaching
Mental: To sharpen my mind.
1.Read 5 books from Chad's library of success literature
2.Prepare all my lesson plans for the 2008-2009 school year
Personal: To improve my home and self.
1.Fix our house and yard
Paint bedroom
Decorate Canopy Bed
Clean and organize kids' rooms
Decorate downstairs bathroom with photography
Clean closet
Fix up backyard and make it a good play area for kids
Decorate the front room
Clean and organize kitchen cabinets
Fill our home with beautiful and uplifting art
Fix the lawn ornament (Chad's Honda)
2.Complete a “week in the life of me” journal (pictures and step-by-step journaling for one week)
3.Put together a vision board
4. Do one nice thing for Chad daily
5. Plan at least one date night a week
Laurel Weed's Goals
Spiritual- Write in my journal every day. Read the Book of Mormon daily.
Personal- Review list of personal projects daily. Accomplish something off of the list each week.
Financial- Budget at the beginning of each month and review once a week.
Educational- Learn how to create a website and make it happen.
Christa Millard
1. Finish the Book of Mormon
2. Finish YW Medallion
1. Exercise 1 hour a day/6 days a week
2. Eat more fruits and veggies
1. Stay within the budget
1. Do school/chores with boys Monday - Friday
1. Learn 25 Italian phrases
Jon Millard
1. Two chapters of Book of Mormon daily & kneel twice in prayer daily.
2. Missionary experience weekly.
1. Sell 3 homes in Kent
2. Sell our home
Physical: 185 lbs
1. Michel Thomas Italian CDs
2. Spain dialect Spanish online Rosetta Stone
1. General Ham Radio License
2. Finish Arab/Jew Book