Friday, July 4, 2008

Deb's Goals


I am confidently and easily attaining and then maintaining my perfect healthy weight.

1. Eat a variety of fruits and veggies each day

2. Exercise 30 minutes at least 3 times/week

3. Drink 8 glasses water each day

4. Floss daily

I am happily and efficiently bringing more order and beauty to my home.

1. Clear (and keep clear) all horizontal surfaces (up to 3 decorative or useful items can stay, if appropriate)

2. Go through 1 file folder each day (5 days/week), purge outdated, etc.

3. Clean/organize one shelf or drawer each day (5 days/week)

4. Finish inventory of food storage

5. Plan 4 weeks’ worth of meals and have dinner ready by 6 p.m., except Thursdays (after scouts at 7)

6. Add accessories and/or artwork that includes vibrant color.


I am conscientiously seeking to develop gifts of the Spirit.

1. Strive to acknowledge the hand of God in all things. Write of gratitude and/or spiritual insights in journal each evening.

2. Read daily at least one chapter of Book of Mormon.

3. Read/study daily in New Testament and/or Jesus the Christ

4. Attend the temple at least once/month.

5. Read Drawing on the Powers of Heaven


I am joyfully increasing my talents.

1. Play through all Hymns at least once on piano.

2. Play through all Hymns at least once on organ.

3. Memorize all German endings for all cases/situations.

4. Finish German Rosetta Stone.

5. Read Das Geheimnis (The Secret--in German)

6. Listen to a story or article on LingQ at least 3 times a week.

7. Prepare visual aids and outlines for 72 language lessons (1.5-2/week)

8. Organize (#7) in a binder or other container(s). Any ideas, anyone?


I am faithfully and playfully (so it will be fun for him, not so much like work) helping Jacob gain control of his muscles.

1. Daily reflex integration activities (or other “therapy”) for at least 30 minutes.

I am cheerfully increasing love and harmony in our home.

1. Thank or compliment each family member daily.

2. Play (listen to) uplifting music while serving my family

3. Learn how to use iTunes or similar (so I can easily do #2).

I am diligently, thoroughly, and promptly finishing my afghan. (49 more of the 63 different squares)

1. Crochet 5 squares/week

2. Put them all together

3. Celebrate—take photo of completed afghan and send to John, Amelia, Kara, Marianne, Mom, and my siblings.


I am gratefully and attentively being a wise steward.

1. Meet with Lon at least once a week to observe our financial status and share ideas for increased abundance.

2. Daily track spending on chart.

3. Continue to keep all accounts up-to-date and balanced.

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