Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ashley's Goals

[Physical] 1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day and incorporate more fruit into my diet. 2. Exercise 2-3 times a week.

[Spiritual] Focus on church history: 1. Read The History of Joseph Smith By His Mother. 2. Read D&C and use D&C Student Manual to help me study. 3. Keep a scripture journal. 4. Read from Book of Mormon and / or Ensign with Wendel daily. 5. Kneel for personal prayers.

[Personal] 1. Type memories of grandparents in preparation for family history book. 2. Make my blog into a book. 3. Put the first half of my mission into an organized format in a photo album with journaling (some of it is currently scrapbooked and some is not. I want it to all be uniform with excerpts from my journal). 4. Scan at least one of my mission journals. 5. Take a self-portrait every day. 6. Write in gratitude journal at least once a week. 7. Complete one project a month in our home (such as decorate the bathroom, put shelves up in the front room, organize a closet, etc.)

[Mental / Educational] 1. Take a photography class. 2. Study photography for 1/2 hour every day and keep notes in a photography journal. 3. Get a website up and running. 4. Re-memorize the Articles of Faith.

1. Stay within our budget. 2. Focus more on my etsy shop. Add new listings.

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