Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mel's Goals


Lose 10 pounds.

*Exercise 4 times per week: 2 times walking for 1 hour with stroller, 2 times jogging for 30-45 minutes with a friend
*Eat 1800 calories per day plus unlimited fruits and vegetables


Become more financially secure by having 2 savings accounts, one that is an emergency fund and grows very large, and one that we use for expenses outside the budget.

*Open 2nd savings account.
*Separate saved money into two types. 1) do not touch money; 2) spending savings, like car repairs, plane tickets, clothes, etc.
*Plan out the savings for both accounts for the next year
*Stick to weekly budget!
*Look into CD options for Type 1 savings account


Become more spiritual and have testimony grow and stregthen; feel close to Heavenly Father.

*Have daily Family Prayer and Scripture Study in Leah’s room as part of bedtime routine; goal: read 1 page per night as a family and kneel in prayer.
*Personal scripture study: 20 minutes reading from the Book or Mormon and/or writing in a scripture/blessings/gratitude journal
*Attend temple 4 times- one of which should be an organized girls’ temple night
*Pray to give an act of service daily


Strengthen mind and revitalize talents.

*Write 3 poems
*Outline book series and character development


Become a better mother, wife, and individual; create and maintain space in the home that brings peace and helps the Spirit to reside.

*15 minutes per day (minimum) of quality playtime or craft-time with the girls- uninterrupted and totally focused.
*Follow FHE and Date Schedule: one person plans activity for FHE, and the other person plans lesson for FHE and date night for the week
*Scrapbook the last year, plus this summer (this will make me all caught up again); including tables of contents
*Stop biting nails
*Do one household project or mini-project per week- organizational or creative
*Make 7 day detailed journal of what we do every day that includes pictures and quotes from Leah (I want this to convey what life was like when Leah was almost 3 and Anya was 1)

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